Ways we protect you and your information.

Protecting your personal financial information is a top priority for us at Bristol County Savings Bank.

Monitoring accounts for suspicious transactions: Bristol County Savings Bank monitors your account every day for suspicious transactions. If we detect a debit card transaction that appears suspicious, we will notify you via text, phone, or email to determine if the transaction was originated by you. Any customers who have an active debit card will automatically be enrolled in this free service.

We will ask you to validate the merchant, amount, date/time, and location of the purchase. We will NEVER ask you to send account information via email or text and you should never reply to text messages or emails that ask you to send account information. 

The success of this fraud prevention depends on the cardholder verification process. You must have accurate mailing addresses, email addresses, and telephone numbers associated with your debit card. 


Secure, Encrypted Email

Regular email is NOT a private conversation. 

It is fairly easy for others to intercept and read regular emails. And only 1% of business email is in any way encrypted against interception by outside parties. While the companies are mandated to achieve a higher level of protection, the larger issue is that secure email is simply a smarter way to do business. In addition to the obvious benefits of confidentiality, secure email increases efficiencies by allowing the electronic transfer of sensitive information that has typically required manual delivery.

Encrypting email is easy.

The people at ZixCorp™ have worked with us to develop our email encryption service. Their solutions were tailored to fit our customers’ needs, implementation was fast, and disruption to your and our operations is minimal. Together, we developed an approach that protects our entire community of interest — our employees, our customers, and our business partners.

To send an encrypted email to someone at Bristol County Savings Bank, create your secure mailbox which can be used for secure communications between you and any Bristol County Savings Bank employee.

If you must contact us via email, please use our secure method above. Never provide your account information via a personal or work email account.