Bristol County Savings Bank Names Haidri to Branch Manager of Franklin Office
Haidri brings a wealth of experience to the Bank, having previously held the positions of Assistant Vice President-Retail Branch Manager at Bluestone Bank in North Attleboro and Plainville, Massachusetts; Vice President of Finance and Business Development with Bluejay Diagnostics, Inc., Acton, Massachusetts; Business Development Manager at Eastern Bank in Taunton and Sharon, Massachusetts; and Small Business Banker at Bank of America in Boston, Massachusetts. His professional affiliations include being a member in the Overseas Pakistan Entrepreneur Network (OPEN) and the BNI All Pro Chapter in Foxborough, Massachusetts. Active in the community, Haidri currently serves on the Board of Trustees for the Attleboro Arts Museum and is Past Chair of the Hopkinton Affordable Housing Trust Fund, Hopkinton Masschusetts.
Haidri earned his associate's degree from New Hampshire College (currently Southern New Hampshire University) in Manchester and his bachelor's degree in Business Management with a minor in Finance from the Park-Aims Institute of Management and Sciences in Lahore, Pakistan. He is a recent graduate of the Massachusetts Bankers Association's New England School for Financial Studies at Babson College, Wellesley, Massachusetts. Haidri resides in Hopkinton.